Orchard Lake Estates

New Residents

Welcome to Orchard Lake Estates
Homeowner's Associations offer many advantages and opportunities for an abundance of amenities that ensure a community's premier attractiveness and uphold property values. If this is your first time being part of an HOA, you may also have questions. 
Important Note: This website serves as a backup repository only and is not actively maintained. For the latest notices, governing documents, and related information, please access the Spectrum App.
If you are an Orchard Lake Estates homeowner, email CONTACT@SpectrumAM.com to request access. We’re here to assist you in any way possible.
Once on the Spectrum App, you'll want to take a look at our Governing Documents to familiarize yourself with our HOA rules and regulations.  We have also provided lots of useful information in our OLE New Residents Guide. Lastly, we encourage all residents to attend our monthly Board meetings to stay informed and voice their comments and concerns.

Homeowner's Association Membership

Membership in the Association is mandatory for all property owners. 


The current Orchard Lake Estates assessments are $1,300 per year. Your assessment provides funding to allow the HOA to maintain the community and provide services to all its residents.

Gate Access

Residents have two options to access the entrance gates.
First, and preferable, residents can use their vehicle EZ Tag to automatically open the gates when approaching within range of the scanner.
Secondly, residents can purchase a Key Fob to manually open the gates when pressing the button within range of the scanners.
Please contact SPECTRUM AM for further information on getting setup.

Visitor Access

Visitors can access the entrance gates through a passcode provided by a resident. The keypad to enter this code is located near the front gate.

Deed Restrictions

As you know, Orchard Lake Estates is a deed restricted community with a corresponding set of rules to help maintain property values. 
Use this LINK to review all Governing Documents for Orchard Lake Estates.  

No Street Parking

In order to provide safe and congestion-free roadways, street parking in OLE is strictly prohibited. Street parking without prior approval from Spectrum AM could result in your vehicle being towed at the owner's expense. 

Property Improvements

All exterior changes to your property require prior approval from the Architectural Review Committee (ARC or ACC), which is administered by the Property Management Company. The purpose of the ARC is to preserve and protect the natural beauty and intended design of Orchard Lake Estates.  
The ARC Application is available HERE for your use.

Trash Collection

Trash collection in the community is managed by GFL Environmental(GFL).  GFL provides collection once per week, curbside, for solid waste on Wednesday, utilizing receptacles provided for solid waste and recycling. 
Bulk waste service (limit of 2 large bulk items) will be provided on each service day. Bulk waste must be placed in containers with a volume of less than 50 gallons, boxed, bagged or bundled weighing less than 40 pounds.
Services: Solid Waste, Recycling, and Bulk Trash
When: Every Wednesday
Where: Curbside
Time: Trash to be placed out by 7:00am on day of collection
Note: Trash cans must be stored completely away from street view at the end of trash collection day.